A few words from an art critic
The profound originality of painting by Régine Sarallier is to help us understand how time can be "featured" in space and suggested movement which, in any event, is stationary. Let us walk this understanding ...
"Dreaming a canvas to sing with a warm and soft voice, as if free from the world."
If such is the artistic ambition of Régine Sarallier as expressed by the artist herself, then we can say that she has attained her goal. Perhaps even she has reached beyond what this discreet artist hoped, who has never tried to push forward in the small and large battles stirring periodically in the world of art, truly beyond what she could imagine.
One that seldom frequented the chambers of cultural makers, has built a work, which is in itself is a rare painting lesson. A good lesson, indeed, that takes our eyes to today, indescribable vision of a time to live and a pleasure to share ...
Jean-Luc torch
critique, historian and art director of the magazine "Verso Arts and Letters".